
ICAMPAM Scientific Committee

The role of the Scientific Committee is to provide support, input and direction on the scientific content for the Society’s Conference. This will include determining the content of the conference, identifying Keynote speakers, selecting symposia and workshops, reviewing abstracts and engaging with publicising the meeting. Full Terms of Reference for the SC are defined in a separate document. The Chair of the SC is a full Board member and will also be the co-chair of the conference.

Please contact us for further information on joining an ISMPB Committee

Committee Members
Åsa Tornberg – Lund University, Sweden
Tom Stewart – Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Committee members:

Communications and Membership Committee

This committee is responsible for designing and implementing the communication strategy for the ISMPB. Activities of this committee include but are not limited to: three-monthly newsletter, update of social media and website, organization of activities targeting Early Career Researchers.

Please contact us for further information on joining an ISMPB Committee

Committee Members
Alex Clarke-Cornwell – University of Salford, United Kingdom
Marco Giurgiu – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Newsletter editors:
Aidan Buffey and Benjamin Maylor

Social media committee members:
Alex Clarke-Cornwell, Marco Giurgiu, Ben Maylor, Aidan Buffey, Saud Alomairah, Matt Ahmadi, Grainne Hayes

Journal Committee

The Society’s journal, the Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, has a separate management committee chaired by Patty Freedson and is supported by an Editorial Committee.   The Journal Management Committee will report directly to the Board.  In addition there will be a Supporting Board member who will liaise with the Journal Management Committee as and when the need arises.   The Board members primary responsibility will be to ensure that the Society can support the Journal efforts to reach a wider audience.

Please contact us for further information on joining an ISMPB Committee

Committee Members

Charlotte Edwardson – University of Leicester, UK

Editorial Assistant:
Tatiana Plekhanova – University of Oxford, UK

Editors Emeriti:
Patty Freedson (Founding Editor: 2018-2020) – University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Philippa Dall (2020-2023) – Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Associate Editors:
Matthew Ahmadi – University of Sydney, Australia
Soren Brage – University of Cambridge, UK
Kimberley Clevenger – Utah State University, USA
Scott E. Crouter – University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
Vahid Farrahi – TU Dortmund University, Germany; University of Oulu, Finland
Andrew Kingsnorth – Loughborough University, UK
Paul H. Lee – University of Southampton, UK
Joanne McVeigh – Curtin University, Australia
Alexander H.K. Montoye – Alma College, USA
Alex RowlandsUniversity of Leicester, UK
Pedro Saint-Maurice – National Cancer Institute, USA
John Sirard – University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Ben Stansfield – Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Lindsay P. Toth – University of North Florida, USA
Andrea Wendt – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil

Editorial Board:
Nicolas Aguilar-FariasUniversidad de La Frontera, Chile
David Bassett – University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
Lynne M. Boddy – Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Matt Buman – Arizona State University, USA
Bron Clark – University of Queensland, Australia
Alan Donnelly – University of Limerick, Ireland
Marco Giurgiu – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Mikael Anne Greenwood-Hickman – Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, USA
Jeffrey M. Hausdorff – Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center & Tel Aviv University, Israel
Jorunn Helbostad – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Annemarie Koster – Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Kate Lyden – KAL Research|Consulting LLC, USA
Martina Mancini – Oregon Health & Science University, USA
Charles E. Matthews – National Cancer Institute, USA
Ben Maylor – University of Oxford, UK
Myles O’Brien – Dalhousie University, Canada
Christopher D. Pfledderer – University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Jasper Schipperijn – University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Ann Swartz – University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA
Shigeho Tanaka – Kagawa Nutrition University, Japan
Vadim Zipunnikov – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA

Human Kinetics Staff:
Doug Hoepker – Senior Journals Managing Editor

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee

As a Society, it is important to ensure we are continuing all efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusivity to better our community.  The role of this committee will be to define and implement a strategy to continue to keep DEI at the top of our minds in all we do.

Please contact us for further information on joining an ISMPB Committee

Committee Members
Karin Allor Pfeiffer – Michigan State University, USA
Albert Mendoza – California State University, East Bay, USA

Committee members:
Karin Allor Pfeiffer – Michigan State University, USA
Albert Mendoza – California State University, East Bay, USA
Michael Kebede – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

ISMPB Activities Committee

This activity is to define and implement a strategy between-year activities.  These activities are to engage our existing members and to enhance our ability to attract new members.  These activities will range from supporting local conferences and meetings to providing incentives and resources for our ECRs.

Please contact us for further information on joining an ISMPB Committee

Committee Members
Dinesh John – Northeastern University, USA

Jorunn Helbostad – Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway
Julia Baumgart – University of British Columbia – Okanagan, Canada

Malcolm Granat & Alan Donnelly

Nominations Committee

The role of this committee is to secure and present a slate of qualified, acceptable candidates for the elections of Board Members, and as required, membership within other ISMPB committees. When required, the Board approved slate will then be presented to the general membership for a vote.

Please contact us for further information on joining an ISMPB Committee

Committee Members

Chair: Hans Bussmann

External Relations Committee

The role of this committee is to develop new relationships and maintain/strengthen existing relationships with partners (industry, other societies, etc.) that lead to the provision of important resources (financial and intellectual, etc.) to support priority Society initiatives, requirements, and growth.

Please contact us for further information on joining an ISMPB Committee

Committee Members

Chair: Bronwyn K. Clark, The University of Queensland, Australia

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