Society Information

Mission Statement The Society aims to promote and facilitate the study and applications of objective measurement and quantification of free-living physical behavior(s) and its related constructs (e.g. energy expenditure, context) using wearable devices. The Society is characterised by:
- its multidisciplinary focus; including engineering, signal analysis, physiology, medical sciences, public health, psychology, ergonomics and sports.
- bringing together people from a wide variety of backgrounds and expertise, including researchers, clinicians, therapists, signal analysts, computational scientists and commercial companies

Scope of the Society The Society focuses on the issues related to ambulatory monitoring, wearable monitors, movement sensors, physical activity, sedentary behaviour, movement behaviour, body postures, sleep and constructs related to physical behaviours. Therefore the Society specifically focuses on the objective measurement and quantification of physical behaviours which include:
- all free-living physical behaviours (including sleep) in its different forms (volumes and patterns which could give an indication of quality)
- measurements that are unrestricted, prolonged and unsupervised
- measurements of physiological responses (e.g. energy expenditure) that are directly related to physical behaviours
- a wide range of applications: clinical, public health, behavior sciences, end users etc.
Because of these criteria, other measurement techniques are NOT of primary interest. Examples being:
- objective measurement of signals other than, or not simultaneously measured with, physical behaviours (such as measurement of ECG, EEG or blood pressure)
- measurement of energy expenditure techniques such as the doubly labeled water
- measurement of physical behaviours using direct observation, questionnaires, diaries or electronic diaries room-restricted camera systems
- time restricted, supervised measurement of physical behaviours (kinematics, kinetics) outside a gait or movement laboratory
If these measurement techniques are combined with, or are related to, free-living monitoring they are potentially of interest.

View Society Statutes in English
To access the Bylaws of the International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMPB), please click here.