ISMPB Sponsorship
Premium Branding & Positioning Opportunity
You will reach your target audience and be recognised as a supporter of the conference and its aims. Set your product, service and brand apart from your competitors – guaranteed visibility on printed materials, advertising, and promotions. Leverage ISMPB events to generate interest in your products. Access to approximately 350 researchers.
Face Time with Leading International Scientists and Clinicians
Members include international researchers, clinicians, technologists and users- most of whom make or influence purchasing decisions at their facilities and are actively seeking new information, products, and techniques in ambulatory monitoring of activity and movement.
Connect with Leading and Emerging Researchers
You will gain exposure, develop partnerships and connect with representatives from a wide range of fields associated with issues related to ambulatory monitoring, wearable monitors, movement sensors, sedentary behaviour, movement behaviour, sleep and constructs related to physical behaviours.
The International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMPB) is seeking sponsor support to advance the Society’s investment in issues related to ambulatory monitoring, wearable monitors, movement sensors, physical activity, sedentary behaviour, movement behaviour, body postures, sleep and constructs related to physical behaviours.
Who is ISMPB?
- ISMPB was formed in 2015 to promote and facilitate the study and applications of objective measurement and quantification of free-living physical behavior using wearable devices.
- The society has multidisciplinary focus that includes engineering, signal analysis, physiology, medical sciences, public health, psychology, ergonomics and sports fields of research and practice.
- Members come from a wide variety of backgrounds and expertise, including researchers, clinicians, therapists, signal analysts, computational scientists and commercial companies.
- The society strategically plans and organises various events each year including biennial conferences and annual webinars to ensure the dissemination of scientific knowledge and technological innovations to its members. These events are also attended by members outside of ISMPB, which has the potential for sponsors to expand their customer base.
- ISMPB has a society journal (Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour), which is indexed on Scopus and a number of communication avenues including an active social media profile (@ismpb_org), a website, biyearly newsletters and a large email list for communications.
ISMPB Society Sponsorships
By becoming an ISMPB Society sponsor, you will increase your company’s visibility and credibility within the community of academics, researchers, and professionals dedicated to the study of physical behaviour. Your support will contribute directly to the advancement of research and development in this critical field.
Choose from our sponsorship options [fuller details below]:
- ISMPB Premium Sponsorship: 2-year strategic investment of $9,000 ($4,500 per year) with extensive benefits
- ISMPB Supporter: 2-year commitment of $5,000 ($2,500 per year) with expanded benefits
- ISMPB Sustainer: 1-year commitment of $1,000 with essential benefits
- ISMPB Strategic Sponsorship: One-off commitment to sponsor a single webinar/symposium/workshop outside of our Biennial conference (ICAMPAM) $1000
Invest now in ISMPB to receive year-round benefits. Maximise your exposure in this research field with a direct connection to the Society’s members. To learn more, please email us.
Why Sponsor?
Your sponsor package benefits include:
ISMPB Premium Sponsor
Your $9,000 ($4,500 per year) will include:
Year-round exposure on Society’s website:
- Recognition with your logo and hyperlink on the ISMPB Home Page
- Company profile and hyperlink on Sponsor page
Exposure through Society’s communications:
- Logo placement with hyperlink on Society’s communications to members
- 1 email each year to ISMPB members and other newsletter subscribers dedicated to your firm and new products/initiatives
- 2 social media messages each year dedicated on one of your firm’s products/initiatives
Exposure in ISMPB Newsletters (2-3 each year):
- Recognition with your logo and hyperlink
- 500-word article in each Newsletter dedicated on one of your firm’s products/initiatives
Includes Gold Sponsorship at ICAMPAM 2024 in Rennes, France (18-21 June). Value: $5,000. Benefits include 3 conference registrations, 1 exhibit space, 6 minute Exhibitor Talk, recognition before and throughout the event. Click here for more information on ICAMPAM 2024 Sponsor Benefits.
Recognition of sponsor support at Society activities beyond ICAMPAM:
- 3 free registrations for webinars and other events
- 5 minute presentation at one webinar, workshop or symposium
- Recognition at all webinars, workshops or symposia
- Opportunity to host a virtual workshop, panel or symposium (at sponsor’s expense)
ISMPB Supporter
A 2-year $5,000 commitment ($2,500 per year) will include:
Year-round exposure on Society’s website:
- Recognition with your logo and hyperlink on the ISMPB Home Page
- Company profile and hyperlink on Sponsor page
Exposure through Society’s communications:
- Logo placement with hyperlink on Society’s communications to members
- 1 social media message each year dedicated on one of your firm’s products/initiatives
- Exposure in ISMPB Newsletters (2-3 each year)
- Recognition at all webinars, workshops and symposia
Includes Silver Sponsorship at ICAMPAM 2024 in Rennes, France (18-21 June). Value: $3,000. Benefits include 2 registrations, 1 exhibit space, 3 minute Sponsor Talk, recognition throughout event. Click here for more information on ICAMPAM 2024 Sponsor Benefits.
Recognition of sponsor support at Society activities beyond ICAMPAM:
- Recognition at all webinars, workshops and symposia
- 1 free registration for webinars and other events
ISMPB Sustainer
A one year $1,000 commitment will include:
Year-round exposure on Society’s website:
- Recognition with your logo and hyperlink on the ISMPB Home Page
- Company profile and hyperlink on Sponsor page
Exposure through Society’s communications:
- Logo placement with hyperlink on Society’s communications to members
- Recognition in ISMPB Newsletters (2-3 each year)
- Recognition with your logo and hyperlink
ISMPB Strategic Sponsorships
$1000 for single event
Is your product particularly suited to the topic of an upcoming ISMPB non-ICAMPAM event?
Do you want to expand your network of possible users in a scientific forum?
Consider sponsoring a single event for ISMPB. Benefits are:
- Recognition of sponsor support at one Society activity (webinars, workshops and symposia) beyond ICAMPAM
- 3 free registrations for the event
- Recognition of sponsorship in advertising for the particular event
- 5 minute presentation at sponsored event
- Company profile and hyperlink on Sponsor page
Take advantage of ISMPB events to maximize your exposure in a specific research field and connect directly with your target Society’s members. To learn more, please email us
ICAMPAM 2024 Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
Dear Collaborators and Industry Partners,
It is our pleasure to invite you to support our 2024 ICAMPAM Conference, which will be held from June 18-21, 2024, in Rennes, Brittany – France.
This will be the 9th ICAMPAM Conference for ISMPB, where we hope to continue to have expanded scientific dialogue within our field. Our conference will provide you with an excellent opportunity to showcase your organization, products and services and interact with people around the globe.
Our conference will be held in person and will include keynote speakers, panel speakers, symposiums, oral presentations, posters and exhibitor talks.
As an ICAMPAM 2024 SPONSOR you will receive exposure to 300+ attendees.
Full details can be found on our ICAMPAM 2024 Sponsor & Exhibitor Page
For questions about ISMPB or ICAMPAM, please contact the conference and society secretariat.
ISMPB Membership
open to everyone from around the world involved in the measurement of free-living physical behaviour.